[R] Passing a workspace file as argument

Marcus Eger eger.m at gmx.de
Thu May 10 10:46:59 CEST 2001

Victor Moreno wrote:
> What is the best way (if possible) to pass the name of a workspace file to R
> when it starts so it is loaded instead of .RData ?
> I would like to know this for Linux and windows version. For windows I would
> like to associate the .RData extension so doubleclicking the file starts R
> and loads it.
I needed different .RData files for different computers linked via nfs
order not to overwrite configurations. I did the following:

".First" <-  function ()
  image <- paste(".RData.",Sys.getenv("HOSTNAME"),sep="")
  print("restoring session <",image,"> ...")
  if (interactive()) options(error=quote(dump.frames())) 
  else options(error=quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); q()})) 

| Marcus Eger
| Philipps Universitaet Marburg
| Fachbereich Physik AG Neurophysik
| Renthof 7
| 35032 Marburg
| Tel. ++49 +6421 282-4169
| Fax  ++49 +6421 282-7034
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| E-Mail: eger.m at gmx.de (NEW)
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