[R] Anyone insterested in writing about R for the Debian User Reference Guide?

hzi hzi at uol.com.br
Thu May 3 12:58:48 CEST 2001


    There's a new Debian Guide that´s still in the making, although some of it is already available on-line, called the DURG (Debian User Reference Guide).
    One of it's writers is interested to know if someone (preferably a Debian user, I guess) could write a subsection on R for the section Science.
    It should contain:
    - a brief introduction,
    - one or more simple examples,
    - a comment on usability.
    Especially the last item needs some experience. As I don't consider myself proficient enough in using R, I'm not volunteering at this moment. I did have this little part in it, when I wrote about R's existence to the people developing the manual :-) This manual, by the way, intends to go a bit deeper the other ones.
    Is anyone interested? Write to me privately and I will put you in contact with the DURG writer on Science, or you can look him up yourself in the Debian site (doc section).
    I think this is a great opportunity to make people see that Linux has all the good stuff one needs, and to make R more widely known.

    Best regards,

    Henry L.

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