[R] RPackage

detlef.steuer@unibw-hamburg.de detlef.steuer at unibw-hamburg.de
Wed Mar 21 14:48:27 CET 2001


>From your description it looks like you forgot to load the library:


Just a guess.


On 21-Mar-01 cjb wrote:
> Please, is there anyone who can give me some suggestions?
> (1) I have to use a package from R on my work. The package is the
>  "quantreg" developed by Koenker (Uni Illinois). I have installed the
> package in the R library tree /usr/local/lib/R/ library of my Linux
> Operating System. I did R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/local/lib/R/ library
> /path/to/quantreg_x.y-z.tar.gz. However, when I call any function from
> quantreg, it is not recognized. I have looked in the FAQ's and manuals,
> but I can´t see what possibly is wrong.
> (2) Please, could you give me any hint about what I should do to make
> quantreg work?
> Thank you,
> Bento, Clarisse Jose
> Ph.D. student
> Universidade Nova de Lisboa
> Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
> Departamento de Informática
> Quinta da Torre - 2825 114 Caparica
> Portugal
> Phone:    00 351 212 948 536 extension:0766
> E-mail:     cjb at di.fct.unl.pt
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
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Detlef Steuer ** Universität der Bw ** 22043 Hamburg
Tel: (0049) (0)40/6541-2819
steuer at unibw-hamburg.de

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