[R] re:Ternary Plots
c.farrow at compserv.gla.ac.uk
Tue Mar 20 11:34:45 CET 2001
Greetings from the west coast!
Here is my ternary or triangular diagram function.
Geologists use them a lot too.
Usage is as follows
# some random data in thre variables
c1<- runif(5, 10, 20)
c2<- runif(5, 1, 5)
c3 <- runif(5, 15, 25)
# basic plot
# plot with different symbols and a grid
tri(c1,c2,c3, symb=7, grid=T)
Hope this helps,
> Does anybody know about ternary (tertiary?) plotting functions for R -
> they're triangular things used much beloved by chemists for plotting
> compositional data.
Colin Farrow
Computing Service, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ
Tel: 0141 330 4862, c.farrow at compserv.gla.ac.uk
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