[R] calculate 2^n combinations

Peter B. Mandeville mandevip at deimos.tc.uaslp.mx
Mon Mar 12 16:43:10 CET 2001

Does anybody have code to calculate the 2^n different combinations that are
used in Fisher's paired permutation test, Wilcoxon's signed rank test, etc.

Thank you very much

Peter B.

Peter B. Mandeville                             mandevip at deimos.tc.uaslp.mx
Jefe del Depto. de Informática y Bioestadística rpe1531 at pasteur.fmed.uaslp.mx 
Facultad de Medicine                            Tel: 48 26-23-45 ext. 232
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí         Fax: 48 28-23-52
Av. V. Carranza 2405
Col. Los Filtros
Apartado Postal 145
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.
78210 México

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