[R] Regressions with monotonicity constraints
Vadim Ogranovich
vograno at arbitrade.com
Mon Mar 12 23:38:50 CET 2001
This seems to be a recurrent topic, but I don't remember hearing a
definitive answer. I also apologies for cross-posting.
Say I have a numerical response variable and a bunch of multi-level factors
I want to use for modeling. I don't expect factor interaction to be
important so there will be no interactions in the model.
All this would be a perfect job for ANOVA except for one additional
requirement: all factors are ordered, i.e. for any two levels in a factor
one is bigger than the other, and I want the regression to preserve the
ordering, that is to be monotonic.
I can think of two definitions of monotonicity, weak and strong, and in case
it matters I am more interested in the strong one, which I define as
If L1 < L2 within some factor F than
prediction(L1, other factors) < prediction(L2, other factors)
for ANY SELECTION of 'other factors' levels.
(A weak monotonicity could be defined as prediction(L1) < prediction(L2) on
Any reference to S, R, C code / papers which address this topic will be
highly appreciated.
Similar question could be asked about additive models, i.e. estimate an
additive model with each (or some) functions being monotonic.
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