[R] saved workspace restored

Olivier Martin olivier.martin at inrialpes.fr
Thu Mar 8 11:44:01 CET 2001

Dear r-users,

Sometimes R don't repond to any command, and so i have to kill
the R process. But, in this case, when i restart R there isn't any data
or function
(ls() return character(0)).
Is there a way to restore my previous saved workspace ?
Many thanks...

Olivier MARTIN               phone: (33) 04 76 61 53 55
Projet IS2                               06 08 67 93 42
INRIA Rhone-Alpes            fax  : (33) 04 76 61 54 77
655, Av. de l'Europe
Montbonnot                  e-mail:olivier.martin at inrialpes.fr
38334 Saint Ismier cedex

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