[R] Re: large survey data

Jan_Svatos@eurotel.cz Jan_Svatos at eurotel.cz
Thu Jul 12 10:02:19 CEST 2001

> > Is there a way to import the data column by column? I have to analyze
> > the whole data, but only two variables at a time.

>If you are on a unix box, and you have a tab delimited file, 'cut' will
>easily cut out fields from the file. To automate it, use a shell program
>to produce all the pairs you want. That is a 1980's solution but it should
>work just fine.

>David Scott

Yes, and this solution should work on a Windows workstation equipped with
Unix utilities, too.
I use stuff from www.cygwin.com (lots of Unix programs and tools -cat, sed,
make, gzip, perl, ...).
The only limitation is, that, when run in NT cmdshell instead of bash, it
does not handle (Unix) links.


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/- Jan Svatos,              Sokolovska 855/225 -/
/- Data Analyst,            Prague 9           -/
/- Eurotel Praha            190 00             -/
/- jan_svatos at eurotel.cz    Czechia            -/

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