[R] stepAIC

Christian Hoffmann christian.hoffmann at lagonda.wsl.ch
Mon Jul 9 16:34:09 CEST 2001

I am running R-1.2.3 on Unix:

 >uname -a
SunOS fluke 5.7 Generic_106541-12 sun4d sparc SUNW,SPARCserver-1000

Inside a function I want to call stepAIC:

regrbest <- function(x,y,ind,wt=NULL,warni=FALSE,plo=VIEW)
{  ## Determine the best regression with one variable ( -> reg1),
   ##  and the best regression according to AIC ( -> regopt) using stepwise
   ##  on  y ~ x[,ind] with weights wt
  form <- as.formula(paste(y,paste(ind, collapse = "+"), sep =
  if (!missing(wt)) {
    lm1 <-
    stw <- stepAIC(lm1,direction="forward",trace=3, k=2)

Although  the linear model is built with data (evaluated at the top level
?!?), stepAIC gets stuck:

Error in terms.formula(formula, data = data) : 
	Object "x" not found
> traceback()
9: terms.formula(formula, data = data)
8: terms(formula, data = data)
7: lm(formula = vr3c1 ~ vr91 + vr92 + vr18c1 + vr18c2 + vr191 + 
       vr192 + vr193 + vr211 + vr212 + vr221 + vr222 + vr223 + vr231 + 
       vr232 + F26REG.J + F27SEX + F28ALTER + F31PERS + vr361 + 
       vr362 + F37A + Urban + F6WISSEN + F7B1 + F7B2 + F7B3 + F7B4 + 
       F7B5 + F29CH + F30SCHUL + F33HUND + F35GART, data = x, na.action =
6: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
5: eval(call, parent.frame())
4: update.default(fit, paste("~ .", change))
3: update(fit, paste("~ .", change))
2: stepAIC(lm1, direction = "forward", trace = 2, k = 2)
1: regrbest(Una, "vr3c1", ind.9P6)

The stumbling block is in 5:
update.default does not eval(call..) in the correct top level frame.

Models within functions seem to be very delicate. What can be done to
remedy the situation?
Define update.default locally with the correct eval.parent(call,2) ???

Thanks for help.

Dr.sc.math.Christian W. Hoffmann
Mathematics and Statistical Computing
Landscape Modeling and Web Applications
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL 
Zuercherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
phone: ++41-1-739 22 77    fax: ++41-1-739 22 15
e-mail: christian.hoffmann_at_wsl.ch__prevent_spamming
www: http://www.wsl.ch/staff/christian.hoffmann/

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