[R] dissimilarity structure

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Tue Jul 3 17:28:03 CEST 2001

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Francois Deshaies wrote:

> How can I easily convert this format
> INT CAB 1.0000000
> LIG CAB 0.3333333
> TEN CAB 1.0000000
> INT LIG 1.0000000
> TEN LIG 1.0000000
> INT TEN 0.0000000
> to this dissimilarity structure  format(compatible with hclust) ?
>           CAB INT LIG
> INT 1.0000000
> LIG 0.3333333   1
> TEN 1.0000000   0   1
> (and vice versa)

One way is


In fact, dissimilarity objects are just vectors with some attributes,
[unclass() a dist object to see], so you could just put these attributes
on your vector.  This is stylistically a bad idea, since in theory the
internal structure of "dist" objects could change at any time, but it
would probably work.


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