[R] Redrawing !

M. Edward Borasky znmeb at borasky-research.com
Sun Jan 14 22:48:58 CET 2001

While we're on the subject of enhancements to R's amazing graphics
capabilities, here are two I would like:

1. Have the UNIX version produce files which are Windows-friendly. For
example, the Windows version can produce an output file in "wmf" format,
which I can directly import into a Word document. The UNIX version I have
doesn't seem to do this, so I need to either convert PostScript to WMF
somehow, or use a JPEG, which isn't editable in the Microsoft tools and
tends to be of lower visual quality than my users will accept.

2. It looks to me like the Windows version can only set the size of the
picture in a WMF file to the nearest inch. I do a lot of "two-up portrait"
and "four-up landscape" plots. The "natural" size of two-up portrait plots
is (8.5 minus two one-inch margins) by (11 minus two one-inch margins)/2 or
6.5 by 4.5. Similarly, for the four-up landscape plots, it is 4.5 by 3.25. I
can get these sizes on my screen, but I can't seem to get them in a WMF
file. I had to settle for 6 by 4 and 4 by 3, and for the full-page landscape
plots I had to settle for 9 by 6.

M. Edward Borasky, Borasky Research
mailto: znmeb at borasky-research.com

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