[R] bandpass filters in R
Bill Simpson
wsi at gcal.ac.uk
Wed Feb 14 11:33:46 CET 2001
> does anybody have any ideas regarding the easiest and most efficient way
> of implementing a bandpass filter in R ?
> any help would be truly appreciated.
Here is an example using lowpass filter.
h<-dnorm(c(1:100), mean=50, sd=10) #this is your lowpass filter
y<-ifelse(x<=250, 0, 1)
plot(convolve(y,h, type="open")[101:500],type='l') #100= filter length
abline(v=250-50) # location of original step in the output
NOTE: if your filter is not symmetrical you need:
plot(convolve(y,rev(h), type="open")[101:500],type='l')
You can consult some books to find a good bandpass filter. One simple idea
is to use a Gabor function, which is a Gaussian multiplied by a sinewave.
By varying the sd of the Gaussian you vary the bandwidth. The filter is
centred on whatever freq you use in your sinewave.
h<-dnorm((1:100), mean=50, sd=10)*cos(2*pi*5*(1:100)/100)
(In freq domain this filter is a Gaussian centred on freq)
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