[R] R 1.2.1 - read.table - factors problem...

gordon.harrington@uni.edu gordon.harrington at uni.edu
Thu Feb 1 23:25:37 CET 2001

Thanks to Jim Lemon and Thomas Lumley for instructing me by respectively
re-emphasizing that NA's sometimes can be difficult to detect and showing me
how to coerce from unwanted mode assignments. It should have occurred to me
that functions, such as complete.cases(), that search for NA's are only reading
cells, not processing the contents as do functions such as sum(). My data set
was a very large one from a 30 year old archive and turned out to have a few
invisible NA's whose encoding completely escaped me but which blocked


Gordon M. Harrington		Mail:	3720 Village Place, #6308
Professor Emeritus			Waterloo, IA 50702-5848
University of Northern Iowa 	Phone:	319-291-8535
gordon.harrington at uni.edu	Fax:	319-291-8491
dryfly at aya.yale.edu			319-291-8324

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