[R] Help for Linear Discriminant Analysis

Sovan Lek lek at cict.fr
Fri Dec 7 16:48:03 CET 2001

Dear colleague,

I'd like to compute linear discriminant analysis, using R. In the book Modern applied statistic with Splus (Venables & Ripley, p. 396),  lda function is used. Could you tell me where I can find this function? At what site, can I download this library ?

Thank for your help.
Best Regards

Prof. Sovan LEK,   E-mail: lek at cict.fr
CNRS - UMR 5576    Tel. : (33) 5 61 55 86 87
CESAC - Bat. 4R3   Fax  : (33) 5 61 55 60 96
Uuniv. Paul Sabatier 
118 route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse cedex
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