[R] memory issue trying to solve too large a problem using hclust
A.J. Rossini
rossini at blindglobe.net
Wed Dec 5 18:49:25 CET 2001
>>>>> "CO" == Carlos Ortega <carlos.ortega at minorplanet.com> writes:
CO> Hello,
CO> I am wondering if the "dna library 0.2" that Proffesor Jim
CO> Landsey made available on March 2000
CO> (www.luc.ac.be/~jlindsey/rcode.html ) as well as his papers
CO> ("An Introduction to Markov Models in Molecular
CO> Biology. (2000) available at
CO> http://alpha.luc.ac.be/~lucp0753/manuscripts.html ) are useful
CO> for your purposes.
No it probably won't. That package solves a different set of
(interesting) problems.
A.J. Rossini Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics rossini at u.washington.edu
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net rossini at scharp.org
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