[R] Summary on R script editor
Gindo Tampubolon
gindo.tampubolon at man.ac.uk
Mon Dec 3 10:58:00 CET 2001
Thanks for the advice, folks!
Shravan Vasishth <vasishth at ling.ohio-state.edu>
Try pico.
There's no substitute for/comparison with emacs, though, IMHO.
but just to be sure: you don't have to have ESS to use (x)emacs for
editing R scripts.
Sven Garbade <garbade at psy.uni-muenchen.de>
ESS can be installed via rpm on Mandrake.
baron at cattell.psych.upenn.edu (Jonathan Baron)
ESS is the real answer to your question, and anything else has got
to be more difficult.
Nels Tomlinson <tomlinso at purdue.edu>
Installing ESS on debian was as simple as apt-get install ess.
David Lucy <dlucy at maths.ed.ac.uk> & "Stuart Leask"
<stuart.leask at nottingham.ac.uk>:
Nedit - quick, easy, supports X (ie. mouse-click) pasting.
I use Nedit - http://nedit.org/
For pasting bits in a Linux environment use gpm which is brilliant.
S David White <dwhite at ling.ohio-state.edu>
I have good luck just using gedit in RH 7.1&2.
Toby.Patterson at csiro.au
Being similarly effected by emacs I find glimmer an OK text editor
(linux version of textpad).
Gindo Tampubolon
University of Manchester
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