[R] MCMC coding problem

Monnie McGee monnie at xena.hunter.cuny.edu
Thu Aug 30 18:20:13 CEST 2001

Dear All,

I am trying to convert some S-plus code that I have to run MCMC into
R-code.  The program works in S-plus, but runs slowly.

I have managed to source the program into R.  R recognizes that the program
is there; for example, it will display the code when I type the function
name at the prompt.  However, the program will not run.  When I try to run
the program, I get the following error message:

> error in rep(data,t1): invalid number of copies in "rep".

This happens no matter what values that I give the parameters when I call
the function.

Any suggestions on clearing this up would be appreciated!  The function is
printed below.

Many Thanks,
Monnie McGee

mcmcmd <- function(d, w, mean, phi2, varwt, ntimes)
# A function to run a multi dimensional MCMC for a bivariate 
# normal distribution
# d = dimension of problem
# w = weight assigned to larger of two modes in target distribution
# mu = mean of second mode 
# phi2 = multiplier of variance factor 2.38 
# varwt = weight (0 < varweight <= 1) applied to variance of second part of
# ntimes = number of iterations
# phi is the standard deviation of the proposal distribution.
# y is the data matrix, ystar is the proposal state

phi <- (2.38^2)/d * diag(phi2,d)
y <- matrix(0,ncol=d,nrow=ntimes)
ystar <- matrix(0,ncol=d,nrow=1)
len <- ntimes/1000 - 1
meanmat <- matrix(0,nrow=len,ncol=d)
quantmat <- array(0, dim = c(3,d,len))
count <- 0

# print("Comment out the browser before running with ntimes large!!")

for (i in 1:(ntimes-1))
	ystar <- rmvnorm(n=1,mu=y[i,],sigma=phi)
	numer <- (w*dmvnorm(ystar,mu=rep(0,d),sigma=diag(0,d)) +
	denom <- (w*dmvnorm(y[i,],mu=rep(0,d),sigma=diag(0,d)) +
	prob <- numer/denom
	alpha <- min(prob,1)
	u <- runif(1)
	if (u <= alpha) {y[i+1,] <- ystar;count <- count+1} else y[i+1,]<- y[i,]
	j <- i/1000
	if (j == ceiling(j)) 
	quantmat[,,j] <- apply(y,2,quantile,probs=c(.025,.5,.975))
	meanmat[j,] <- apply(y,2,mean)

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