[R] Problem using GLM in a loop
Emmanuel Paradis
paradis at isem.univ-montp2.fr
Tue Aug 21 18:58:27 CEST 2001
I have done something similar, following the method described in Aitkin
(1997, Applied Statistics, 36:332-339), and it worked fine. I am sending
you my code (privately, it is very untidy :-( ) hoping this will help.
Emmanuel Paradis
At 16:23 21/08/01 +0200, Isabelle ZABALZA
<isabelle.zabalza-mezghani at ifp.fr> wrote:
I am try to perform a modeling which is relevant in a strongly
heteroscedastic context.
So I perform a dual modeling (modeling of both mean and variance of a
response) in using the following loop:
jointmod <- function(formula, data, itercrit=10,devcrit=0.0001)
# Init step
init <- glm(formula=formula,family=gaussian, data=data)
response <- resid(init,type="response") + predict(init,type="response")
mu <- predict(init,type="response")
iter <- 1
dev <- init$deviance
if (dev != 0) vardev <- 1
else stop(message="Null deviance in initialisation step")
endformula_ strsplit(formula,"~")[[3]]
# Modeling loop
while ((iter <= itercrit)| (vardev > devcrit)) {
d_(response - mu)^2
sig <- predict(modvar,type="response")
weights <- 1/sig
modesp <- glm(formula=formula, family=gaussian,data=data,weights=weights)
mu <- predict(modesp,type="response")
devold <- dev
dev <- modesp$deviance
vardev <- (devold -dev)/devold
iter <- iter + 1
list(modesp=modesp, modvar=modvar, iter=iter, vardev=vardev)
This program evaluation always stops when evaluating the "modesp" line :
modesp <- glm(formula=formula,
with the following error:
error in model.frame(formula,rownames,variables,varnames,extras,extranames, :
invalid variable type.
The same program without specifying weights runs.
I don't understand this behavior since when I execute the glm command with
weights out of the program, it runs.
I run R1.3.0 under Windows.
If someone can help me ...
Isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani
-- Isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani Tel : 01 47 52 61 99 Institut
Franais du Ptrole E-mail : isabelle.zabalza-mezghani at ifp.fr 1-4 Av.
Bois Preau - Bat Lauriers 92852 Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France
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