[R] Installing smooth.spline command

G.de-With dg6ag at herts.ac.uk
Thu Apr 26 11:16:34 CEST 2001


I have installed R-0.90.1 on my Linux (Redhat 6.2) machine,
unfortunately I am not able to use a number of commands like e.g.
smooth.spline and predict.smooth.spline.
The error messages being given by is:

Error: Object "smooth.spline" not found

With the command library() I have checked or the libraries for the
smoothing functions are there, as shown below.
> library()

Packages in library `/usr/local/lib/R/library':

base  The R base package
ctest  Classical Tests
eda  Exploratory Data Analysis
lqs  Resistant Regression and Covariance Estimation
modreg  Modern Regression: Smoothing and Local Methods
mva  Classical Multivariate Analysis
nls  Nonlinear regression
splines  Regression Spline Functions and Classes
stepfun  Step Functions, including Empirical Distributions
tcltk  Interface to Tcl/Tk
ts  Time series functions


>From what I can see the code for these commands is available also, as
there is a file called /usr/local/lib/R/library/modreg/R/modreg,
containing R code for the smooth.spline function.

I would be really interested if anyone can tell me how I have to
install, compile or configure the R code to have the above described
commands available.


Govert de With

| Govert de With     Research Student                        |
| Fluid Mechanics Research Group                             |
| University of Hertfordshire                                |
| Tel: 01707 284942 Fax: 01707 285086                        |
| Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null |
| und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.                       |

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