[R] tapply using 2 factors

Jan_Svatos@eurotel.cz Jan_Svatos at eurotel.cz
Tue Apr 17 17:14:37 CEST 2001

Use of
> tapply(mat[,1],mat[,c(3,6)],FUN=rep.boot)
should be OK.


              owner-r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch                     
              04/17/2001 01:36 PM                                

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Předmět zprávy:     [R] tapply using 2 factors


I'm trying to use tapply with two factors and the results are not what I
expected. Using one factor at a time it works well but when combining
the two factors the results are:

> tapply(mat[,1],list(mat[,3],mat[,6]),FUN=rep.boot)


Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong ?



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