[R] Multiple outputs of a function
Mark Myatt
mark at myatt.demon.co.uk
Fri Oct 20 17:12:05 CEST 2000
isabelle Zabalza-Mezghani <isabelle.zabalza-mezghani at ifp.fr> writes:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm writting some functions for experimental designs. The one I'm
> working on is similar to "fac.design" on Splus.
> The problem I have is with the form of the output :
> When the argument fraction is submitted, Splus gives something like
> :
> A B C
> 1 - - -
> 2 + + -
> 3 + - +
> 4 - + +
> Fraction : ~A:B:C
> The first part of this output is the design, and the second part is
> the formula which allows to fractionate the full design. This
> output isn't a list.
> My problem is the following :
> I can't manage to obtain such a composite output. The lonely way
> I've already found is to use :
> print(design)
> cat("Fraction: ")
> print(attr(design,"fraction")).
> This solution is only suitable for an output on screen, but it
> reveals bad as soon as I assign this function
> to an object (for ex: tmp <- fac.design( ....) ) since only the
> last command I performed (here print(attr(design,"fraction")))
> is assigned to my object tmp.
> I hope someone can help me ...
Return a list. For example, here is a simple function to calculate and
return a risk ratio and 95% confidence from a 2-by-2 table
rr22 <- function(exposure, outcome)
tab <- table(exposure, outcome)
a <- tab[1,1]; b <- tab[1,2]; c <- tab[2,1]; d <- tab[2,2]
rr <- (a / (a + b)) / (c / (c + d))
se.log.rr <- sqrt((b/a) / (a+b) + (d / c) / (c + d))
lci.rr <- exp(log(rr) - 1.96 * se.log.rr)
uci.rr <- exp(log(rr) + 1.96 * se.log.rr)
list(estimate = rr, conf.int = c(lci.rr, uci.rr))
In use:
> rr22(PASTA, ILL)
[1] 1.682692
[1] 1.255392 2.255433
> b <- rr22(PASTA, ILL)
> b$estimate
[1] 1.682692
> b$conf.int
[1] 1.255392 2.255433
> b$conf.int[1]
[1] 1.255392
> b$conf.int[2]
[1] 2.255433
If you need the formatted output then you need to declare a class for
the output list and create a print method for that class:
rr22 <- function(exposure, outcome)
tab <- table(exposure, outcome)
a <- tab[1,1]; b <- tab[1,2]; c <- tab[2,1]; d <- tab[2,2]
rr <- (a / (a + b)) / (c / (c + d))
se.log.rr <- sqrt((b / a) / (a + b) + (d / c) / (c + d))
lci.rr <- exp(log(rr) - 1.96 * se.log.rr)
uci.rr <- exp(log(rr) + 1.96 * se.log.rr)
rr22.output <- list(estimate = rr, conf.int = c(lci.rr, uci.rr))
class(rr22.output) <- "rr22"
print.rr22 <- function(x)
cat("RR : ", x$estimate, "\n",
"95% CI : ", x$conf.int[1], "-", x$conf.int[2], "\n",
sep = "")
In use:
> b <- rr22(PASTA,ILL)
> b
RR : 1.682692
95% CI : 1.255392-2.255433
> b$estimate
[1] 1.682692
> b$conf.int
[1] 1.255392 2.255433
I hope that helps.
Mark Myatt
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