[R] captions for than one figure
Dermot MacSweeney
dsweeney at nmrc.ucc.ie
Tue Oct 3 22:05:50 CEST 2000
I would like to have four plots plotted in the one figure and under each plot
the caption (a) ... (d). Using mtext I can get so far:
> plot(1:10, exp(1:10), log = "y", xlab = "xlab")
> mtext("(a)",side=1,line=4.5)
> plot(1:10, exp(1:10), log = "y", xlab = "xlab")
> mtext("(b)",side=1,line=4.5)
> plot(1:10, exp(1:10), log = "y", xlab = "xlab")
> mtext("(c)",side=1,line=4.5)
> plot(1:10, exp(1:10), log = "y", xlab = "xlab")
> mtext("(d)",side=1,line=4.5)
But the captions in the bottom two plots are clipped. I could textedit the
postscipt file and increase the boundary but that seems like overkill to me. Is
there any command where I can vertically offset the entire plot.
Thanks in Advance,
Dermot MacSweeney.
P.S. If I see another e-mail with the mention of an underscore I think that I
will crack up.
Dermot MacSweeney NMRC,
Email: dsweeney at nmrc.ucc.ie Lee Maltings,
Tel: +353 21 904178 Prospect Row,
Fax: +353 21 270271 Cork,
WWW: http://nmrc.ucc.ie Ireland
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