[R] Installing R on RedHat7.0

Tom Wainwright thomas.wainwright at noaa.gov
Thu Nov 2 23:25:06 CET 2000

I recently got a new machine, running RedHat Linux 7.0 (kernel 2.2.16,
XFree864.0.1), and tried to install R-1.1.1 on it from the rpm file on
CRAN.  RPM complained about missing dependencies:


The RH7.0 installation includes later versions of these libraries.  I went
ahead and forced an installation, and of course R wouldn't work.  By
linking libreadline.so.3 to libreadline.so.4.1, I got R running, but the tk
demo won't run.  Linking the tlc and tk lib's to later versions (8.3) got a
bit further, but the demo fails with an error about function "delTcl" not
in load table--this function was apparently dropped from the new version. 
I built libtcl8.0 and libtk8.0 from source, and installed them both.  This
got rid of the "delTcl" error, but the demo now fails with a segmentation

After that long-winded introduction, my question is:  Has anyone gotten a
working installation of R on RedHat 7, or on any other system with the
version 8.3 tcl/tk libraries, or been able to get the earlier libraries to
work under RH7??

Thanks for any help!

Tom Wainwright
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