[R] Re: GUIs
Dave Lucy
D.J.Lucy at Bradford.ac.uk
Tue May 9 11:25:24 CEST 2000
> > > formalities from one time to the next. So they get scared of the
> > > prospect of staring empty-minded at the R prompt.
> Remember that there is product `not unlike R' that does have an extensive
> menu/dialogs front-end, so the pros and cons of GUI to S are not
> unexplored. And I am in favour of one for R, but I do not give it high
> priority. (It really would be man-months of work.) We would need to sort
> out a cross-platform GUI interface design and have that running first or
> one ends up with a Windows-only GUI (as happened with all the examples
> above).
Personally I'm against GUI's - particularly for teaching, but can
appreciate why people who are occasional users may wish to have one. I
think that what we are really describing here is an assisted batch type
processing, where one gets menu items more as a reminder as to what sort
of things are availible for each task.
One of the easiest interfaces I have seen was the old DOS SPSS (V4 I
think) which had menus which when an item was selected would produce a
dialogue for the function allowing the user to enter parameters. Upon
closure the dialogue would shut pasting the appropriate command line into
the scratch-pad. The scratch-pad would then act as a batch file. This led
to an easy uptake of batch file composition. As I remember there was also
an object listing from which objects could be selected as function
dialogue items.
Any thoughts,
Dr. David Lucy
Department of Archaeological Sciences
University of Bradford
West Yorkshire
tel. +44 01274 233556
fax. +44 01274 235190
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