[R] Requery: R 1.0.0 for Win95 and clipboard

John Logsdon j.logsdon at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Mar 23 13:21:06 CET 2000

On 23 Mar 2000, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:

> Ursula Kellett <u.kellett at qut.edu.au> writes:


> > Is this something that's planned? The clipboard seems pretty fundamental to
> > Windows (and other OS?).
> The short answer is "no", but most people in the developer crowd come
> from a Unix background, so there may be some useful techniques we just
> don't know about. Some work has been done on communication with Excel
> and using (D)COM.
> Counterquestion: How would you expect it to work? What would you do
> with it once it was on the clipboard and how would you ensure that
> data contained the relevant information (factor levels, e.g.) when
> read from the clipboard? What are the relevant communication channels?

I am not a heavy W95 user, much prefering a Unix platform with pipes and
things (when I remember to use them), but I would have thought that using
the clipboard as an input/output store would hit the problem that it's
size is rather limited.  Isn't it?  Apart that is from the problems that
Peter raises above.


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