[R] dyn.load and rw1000
gb at stat.umu.se
Tue Mar 21 12:42:37 CET 2000
thank you for the answer. I hoped that I didn't have to build a whole
package just to dyn.load some C code, but I guess I have to rethink.
Thanks again,
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Dave Lucy wrote:
> Goran,
> > How do I compile a Fortran subroutine or a C function so that it can be
> > dyn.loaded in the windows version of R-1.0.0? I use Cygnus C and Fortran
> > compilers (and mingw-something).
> You need to download the win' 9X package from CRAN which allows you to
> build packages (forgotton what its called but it is availible as part of
> the binary download something like R1000sp) - unpack it and it puts a
> README.packages file in R home. This gives you more or less full
> instructions. You already have a compiler which I believe is mentioned in
> the documentation - it will also require perl5 to be installed, and a few
> microsoft bits and pieces. I'm trying the same thing at the moment - but
> I'm getting the Linux version to run properly first before having a go at
> a full win port.
> In experimentation I have got a fortune cookie library to run - this was
> just a test piece and didn't have any compiled code. It did alright using
> modified copies of an existing package, but the documentation kept
> returning an error on linking. I also couldn't do the win type of help.
> Hope this helps,
> Dave.
> ********************************************************************
> Dr. David Lucy
> Department of Archaeological Sciences
> University of Bradford
> Bradford
> West Yorkshire
> BD7 1DP
> UK
> tel. +44 01274 233556
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Göran Broström tel: +46 90 786-5223
Department of Statistics fax: +46 90 786-6614
Umeå University
SE-90187 Umeå, Sweden email: gb at stat.umu.se
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