[R] R sheet for a2ps

Torsten Hothorn hothorn at ci.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Mar 9 12:14:16 CET 2000

I attach "R.ssh", an a2ps style sheet for pretty R printing (submitting to
CRAN would be the overkill :-)


*								*
* Torsten Hothorn, Statistician					*
* at the moment: Institut fuer Statistik, TU Wien		*
* Tel: 0043 1 58801 10772					*
* Fax: 0043 1 58801 10798					*
*								*

-------------- next part --------------
# This is a R sheet
style R is
written by "Torsten Hothorn <hothorn at ci.tuwien.ac.at>"
version is 0.1
requires a2ps 4.9.5

documentation is
   "Creates pretty R-code postscript files."
end documentation

alphabets are

case sensitive

# ancestors are
#   c
# end ancestors

sequences are
  "#" Comment,
  "\"" Plain String "\"" Plain
#   exceptions are
#    /\\\\,/
#       end exceptions
end sequences

keywords in Keyword_strong are
  if, then, else, break, while, for, function, next, return, FALSE, TRUE
end keywords

operators are
   <- \leftarrow
end operators

optional sequences are
   < Plain Keyword > Plain
end sequences
end style

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