[R] tapply, sorting and the heap
Strumila, John
John.Strumila at corpmail.telstra.com.au
Fri Mar 3 06:33:31 CET 2000
howdy gurus,
I'm new and green and I was hoping for a tiny bit of your expertise.
I'm running out of virtual memory (heap?) when summing using tapply. I've
already used --vsize=90M on my hpux machine. (details below)
Can I pre-sort or something to prevent my error?
John Strumila
john.strumila at corpmail.telstra.com.au
> gc()["Vcells","total"]
[1] 11796480
> gcinfo(TRUE)
> t1<-tapply(trace$elapsed,list(trace$pid,trace$hv,trace$transno),sum)
Garbage collection [nr. 11]...
104285 cons cells free (41%)
90082 Kbytes of heap free (98%)
Garbage collection [nr. 12]...
102205 cons cells free (40%)
90050 Kbytes of heap free (98%)
Garbage collection [nr. 13]...
103347 cons cells free (41%)
90131 Kbytes of heap free (98%)
Garbage collection [nr. 14]...
105301 cons cells free (42%)
90188 Kbytes of heap free (98%)
Error: heap memory (92160 Kb) exhausted [needed 209243 Kb more]
See "help(Memory)" on how to increase the heap size.
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