[R] Porting S library which use "graphics.h" and "device.h"
David James
dj at research.bell-labs.com
Tue Jun 27 03:46:59 CEST 2000
Hi Vadim,
[vadim at kutsyy.com]
> I am porting Splus library to R, which use S "graphics.h" and "device.h",
> the library makes a number of high resolution plots using these.
> Does anyone have an experience with similar porting? I don't really want to
> rewrite all C code, so any recommendation would be helpful.
If the library you're porting is the S-wafers (as I suspect)
you don't need graphics.h, etc. The C graphics code we have in
there was only for performance (we were invoking the device driver's
polygon function directly in C); however, newer hardware and software
may not require this hack. I suggest you use the R polygon()
function directly.
David A James Phone: (908) 582-3082
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Fax: (908) 582-3340
600 Mountain Ave Email: dj at bell-labs.com
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
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