[R] ess
Guido Masarotto
guido at sirio.stat.unipd.it
Sat Jun 24 09:20:10 CEST 2000
On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 03:31:22PM +0200, Erich Neuwirth wrote:
> i am using r 1.1.0 and ess 5.1.13
> on win2k (with an amd k7).
> things behave strangely.
> i can start r with
> M-x R
> and i can give a command
> the command will be executed and i will get the answer,
> but i will not get a prompt for entering the next command in most cases.
This works for me. Have you a non standard R prompt, i.e.,
different from '>'? If I remember, but I am not an expert
in ESS internals, ESS relays on the prompt to find the end
of the previous command output.
> when i do graphics command, things are even more surprising.
> then i get a prompt,
> but somtimes the graphics window cannot be brought into the foreground.
Does the graphic window exist? You can use 'dev.list()' to
check for this. Reason of the question: surely there is a long
standing bug in NTEmacs which makes NTEmacs to eat some 'map on
the screen event' for a sub-process. This is replicable
with a application which simply calls MessageBox and then dies
(the MessageBox is never shown!!). Brian and I tried to overcome
this bug simply replicating the event (the two show(xd->gawin)
in src/gnuwin32/devga.c:setupScreenDevice). Then I didn't have
problems but I don't use too much ESS under Windows.
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