[R] Summary: 'pausing' in R (fwd)
Gardar Johannesson
gardar at stat.ohio-state.edu
Thu Jun 22 23:47:58 CEST 2000
The question was:
> I have this 'odd' problem; I need to let R pause, for a given time, before
> starting next iteration in a loop. I'm using the following to do this
> task, but feel a little bit guilty because I'm using as much CPU time as I
> can get while pausing:
> while(keepGoing) {
> t.end <- proc.time()[3] + 5 ## the time this loop should end at
> [block of R commands]
> while(proc.time()[3] < t.end) {}
> }
> This guaranty, at least, 5 second evaluation time for each loop in the
> above case.
> Can I delay the loop more efficiently, that is, not using as much CPU time
> as in the above case?
Prof Brian D Ripley was the only one how responded (thanks) to the
original posting. His suggestion works perfectly for me, and his respond
system("sleep 5")
That will use essentially no CPU time, but it will block the process.
That stops re-sizing graphics windows for examples, but on Unix
is not too serious. I am not sure of the effect on the GNOME console,
nor what happens if tcltk is running.
If anyone wants to do this on Windows. take a look at the xgobi
function in the current version of the XGobi package, as that package
has an equivalent in C (that does handle events during the pause).
We do plan to have a version of this for all platforms in due course.
By the way; is it 'required' to write a summary of responses and post to
r-help? (e.g., as on the s-news list.)
Gardar Johannesson Home Addr.
Department of Statistics 605 Dennison, #3
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