[R] SAS dataset
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
BXC at novo.dk
Thu Jun 22 09:49:01 CEST 2000
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peppy [mailto:s.adi.purnomo at EnergyLink.co.nz]
> Sent: 22. juni 2000 00:15
> To: 'R - Help desk'
> Subject: [R] SAS dataset
> Importance: High
> Sensitivity: Confidential
> Hello,
> Is there any way we convert SAS dataset into R dataset?
> Kindest Regards,
> Peppy Adi-Purnomo
> ------
> Peppy Adi-Purnomo
> Energy Market Analyst
> Energy Link Ltd
> Dunedin - New Zealand
> Ph.: +64 3 479 2475
> Fax: +64 3 477 8424
> Email: s.adi.purnomo at energylink.co.nz
> www.EnergyLink.co.nz
I enclose the code of a SAS-macro, %out, which will produce a file
that can be read by read.table in R, (so it requires that you have SAS
installed and working on your machine), and the code of a R-function,
sas.get, that stats SAS from within R. The latter you have to change,
because it assumes that the shell command to execute the SAS-program
prog in batch is:
sjx prog
which is just my wrapper for:
c:\stat\sas\SAS.exe -SYSIN %1.sas -icon
Good luck,
Bendix Carstensen
Bendix Carstensen
Senior Statistician
Steno Diabetes Centre
Niels Steensens Vej 2
DK-2820 Gentofte
tel: +45 44 43 87 38
mob: +45 28 25 87 38
fax: +45 44 43 73 13
bxc at novo.dk
Here is the sas-macro:
%macro out ( data = _last_ ,
var = ,
file = ud.dat,
header = Y ) ;
proc format ; value na ( default = 15 ) ., .A = 'NA' ;
value $na ( default = 200 ) ' ' = 'NA' ; run ;
proc contents data = &data. noprint out = varnames ;
run ;
proc sort data = varnames ;
by varnum ;
run ;
%let nc = 0 ;
data _null_ ;
set varnames ( keep = name type length
where = ( type eq 2 ) )
end = slut ;
length cvars lngth $ 200 ;
retain cvars lngth nc ;
nc + 1 ;
length = length + 2 ;
cvars = trim(cvars) || ' ' || left(trim(name)) ;
lngth = trim(lngth) || ' ' || left(trim(name)) || ' $ ' || put(length,3.)
if slut then do ;
call symput ( "cvar", cvars ) ;
call symput ( "nc", nc ) ;
call symput ( "lngth", lngth ) ;
end ;
run ;
%if &var.= %then %do ;
data _null_ ;
set varnames ( keep = name ) end = slut ;
length vars $ 200 ;
retain vars ;
vars = trim(vars) || ' ' || left(trim(name)) ;
if slut then call symput ( "var", vars ) ;
run ;
%end ;
data null ;
%if &nc.>0 %then length &lngth. ; ;
set &data. ;
file "&file." ;
format &var. na. ;
%if &nc.>0 %then ;
%do i = 1 %to &nc. ;
%let cvn = %scan ( &cvar., &i. ) ;
&cvn. = '"' || trim(left(&cvn.)) || '"' ;
%end ;
%if %upcase(%substr(&header.,1,1))=Y %then %do ;
vnames = translate("&var.", 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå.',
if _n_ eq 1 then put vnames ;
%end ; ;
put _n_ &var. ;
run ;
%mend out ;
and here is the R-function:
sas.get <- function(dir="data", data, var=" ")
# cat("options mprint ;")
cat(paste("libname rtmp '", dir,
"' ;", sep="") )
cat(paste("%out ( data=rtmp.", data,
", var=", var,
") ;", sep="") )
shell("sjx xqwz") # Runs the SAS-program xqwz.sas in batch
a <- read.table("ud.dat")
shell("del xqwz.sas") # The rest is cleaning up
shell("del xqwz.log")
shell("del xqwz.lst")
shell("del ud.dat")
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