[R] 'pausing' in R
Gardar Johannesson
gardar at stat.ohio-state.edu
Thu Jun 22 02:45:04 CEST 2000
I have this 'odd' problem; I need to let R pause, for a given time, before
starting next iteration in a loop. I'm using the following to do this
task, but feel a little bit guilty because I'm using as much CPU time as I
can get while pausing:
while(keepGoing) {
t.end <- proc.time()[3] + 5 ## the time this loop should end at
[block of R commands]
while(proc.time()[3] < t.end) {}
This guaranty, at least, 5 second evaluation time for each loop in the
above case.
Can I delay the loop more efficiently, that is, not using as much CPU time
as in the above case?
I'm using version 1.1.0 on:
Machine hardware: sun4u
OS version: 5.7
Processor type: sparc
Hardware: SUNW,Ultra-250
Gardar Johannesson Home Addr.
Department of Statistics 605 Dennison, #3
Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43215
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e-mail: gardar at stat.ohio-state.edu
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