[R] Question on closure (lexical scoping) and encapsulation -- thank you!
Aleksey Naumov
naumov at acsu.buffalo.edu
Wed Jun 21 01:23:50 CEST 2000
Just wanted to thank everybody for your help and detailed explanation of
how encapsulation works in R. I appreciate the insight you shared.
For the time being I am using Peter Dalgaard's idea - to keep all of
my user attributes in a list, this is simple and does the job, for now :-)
Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:
> Aleksey Naumov <naumov at acsu.buffalo.edu> writes:
> > Dear R users,
> >
> > I have two related questions about scoping and data encapsulation.
> >
> > One is fairly specific - I am looking at "scoping.R" which is used in
> > demo(scoping) - it's an example of lexical scoping and encapsulation.
> > Where is the 'total' stored? It is not an attribute in 'ross' or
> > 'robert'
> > however, functions like balance() have access to it.
> It's sitting in the environment of the functions associated with ross
> & robert. Originally as the argument to open.account.
> > Is it more or less like a private class member in C++, so that it's not
> > possible to access it from outside of class? Or is it possible to access
> > it
> > in some way?
> Try stuff like
> ls(env=environment(ross$withdraw))
> get("total",env=environment(ross$withdraw))
> evalq(total <- 0, environment(robert$deposit))
> robert$balance() # Rob got robbed!
> So it's not entirely like private parts in C++.
> >
> > The second one is more general - what is the best way to encapsulate
> > some
> > user data with an object like a data frame? I'd like to keep a few user
> > attributes with a data frame... I can think of 3 possibilities, but I
> > don't know if there's a good and reliable standard way:
> > - I tried using attributes(), but found out that subset() gets
> > rid of user attributes and didn't see an easy way to reset them on a
> > subsetted frame (doing it one by one is not an option, and
> > mostattributes() doesn't seem to be there anymore)
> It's there (notice that it is "mostattributes<-"), but apparently it
> is broken at the moment, or at least it didn't do what I expected..
> This would not seem fixable for 1.1.0 on Thursday...
> Notice however, that nothing is keeping you from having one attribute
> containing several pieces of information, and copying one attribute on
> subsetting is not too hard. You can actually have an entire
> environment as an attribute. (But notice that environments are like
> pointers in C: if you copy one, there's still only one copy of what it
> contains.)
> > - Something like the example used in 'scoping.R'
> > - Using class()? Documentation for class() talks about providing
> > methods for generic functions, but I didn't see an example of
> > accessing user-defined data members/attributes.
> I don't think class() will get you anything useful. Something with
> environments, maybe. Notice, BTW, now that you're on the topic, the
> local() function and friends.
> In general, the jury is pretty much still out on how to handle the
> kind of construction you seem to desire. Much of the modeling code was
> designed for S compatibility and S doesn't have environments in the
> same way R does, and several people feel that we're not really
> utilizing the potential (then again, others value cross-platform
> portability). Jim Lindsey has some ideas in a paper on his
> website, and Doug Bates used some other ideas for the nls code. It's
> the kind of thing that we really should get around to discussing in a
> systematic manner, but tends to be difficult to get a hold on.
> --
> O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
> c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
> (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
> ~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
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