[R] Re: R-1.1.0 is released : GUI
cstrato at EUnet.at
Sat Jun 17 15:05:16 CEST 2000
To make it simpler I want to thank in this mail all, who responded to my mail,
i.e. Timothy Keitt, Thomas Lumley, Peter Dalgaard and Prof. Brian Ripley.
Especially I want to thank Timothy Keitt for the links to OO-packages. It is
sometimes hard to find them. Links, which I currently use are:
It seems clear to me now, that an R/S compiler would only help in certain cases.
One of the best features of R/S is vectorization, which I use as often as possbile.
It is really fast.
The problems which I experience have mainly to do with lists and functions related to
lists such as lapply (lapply is not much faster than using a for-loop).
Sorrowly I have to use lists of 10,000 matrices (same ncols but different nrows) to
apply a function to all matrices. (In S-Plus for WinNT it takes even forever to open
S-Plus, when I open a file containing such a list)
Interestingly, there seems to be a discussion, whether to implement an R compiler.
Once again thanks to all who replied
Best regards
Christian Stratowa, Vienna, Austria
"Timothy H. Keitt" wrote:
> cstrato at EUnet.at wrote:
> > In my very personal opinion it would be great to have one of the
> > following two options:
> > a, a native R/S compiler
> This will not give you what you want for reasons outlined above.
> > b, an implementation of the R functionality as C++ classes.
> I am strongly in favor of this solution. Model the existing data
> structures in the S/R language as abstract types (again my preference is
> C++), then use these as the computational engine under the interpreted R
> code. There are some very good object oriented numerical packages
> available that could be used in specific implementations. Take a look
> at:
> http://www.acl.lanl.gov/pooma/
> http://www.lsc.nd.edu/research/
> http://sourceware.cygnus.com/gsl/
> My 2 cents...
> T.
> --
> Timothy H. Keitt
> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
> 735 State Street, Suite 300, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
> Phone: 805-892-2519, FAX: 805-892-2510
> http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/~keitt/
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