[R] postscript device on R-1.1.0
Patrick Brown
p.e.brown at lancaster.ac.uk
Fri Jun 16 15:07:56 CEST 2000
Am I the only one with this problem?
> postscript()
Error in old$command == "default" : comparison (1) is possible only for
vector types
The function postscript() is creates a list called "old". the function
wants to access old$command, but old does not have a component called
> postscript
function (file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.ps", "Rplot%03d.ps"),
onefile = TRUE, ...)
new <- list(onefile = onefile, ...)
old <- check.options(new = new, name.opt = ".PostScript.Options",
reset = FALSE, assign.opt = FALSE)
if (old$command == "default")
old$command <- if (!is.null(cmd <- getOption("printcmd")))
else ""
.Internal(PS(file, old$paper, old$family, old$bg, old$fg,
old$width, old$height, old$horizontal, old$pointsize,
old$onefile, old$pagecentre, old$print.it, old$command))
> temp_check.options(new=list(onefile=T), name.opt =
".PostScript.Options", reset=F, assign.opt=F)
> names(temp)
[1] "paper" "horizontal" "width" "height" "family"
[6] "pointsize" "bg" "fg" "onefile" "print.it"
[11] "append" "pagecentre"
postscript works if I change
if (old$command == "default")
if (is.null(old$command))
and another problem with R-1.1.0,
if "./configure --gui=gnome" tells you it didn't configure gnome support,
run "./configure" before doing "make" and "make install".
./configure told me it wouldn't install gnome support, as I'm
missing some libraries. After doing "make" and "make install", R wouldn't
plot on an x11 window. it works fine after re-running ./configure.
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