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Peter Dalgaard BSA
p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Thu Jun 15 08:50:50 CEST 2000
bxf4 at psu.edu (Brian P. Flaherty) writes:
> Hello,
> w is a matrix of responses to categorical variables. So for example,
> let the first column of w be a dichotomous variable taking values 1 or
> 2. I then have an array, arr, which has the number of response
> categories as its first dimension. I want to use a person's response
> to the item to select the `row' in the first dimension of the array.
> tot_c(0)
> for (i in 1:n){
> tot_tot+arr[w[i,1],1,1]
> }
> I just tried it in S-Plus and it worked. Should it work in R or is
> this is a language difference? Thanks for your time.
Should and does work in the example I tried. What kind of difficulty
are you experiencing?
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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