[R] Binary file input to R
Thomas Lumley
thomas at biostat.washington.edu
Tue Jun 6 17:39:37 CEST 2000
On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Derek N. Eder wrote:
> I suspect that the recent queries about reading database files into R
> implicitely answered my question here, but I'll ask anyway.
> Are there any native binary file read routines in R?
Not general-purpose ones. There are some routines in packages to read
specific types of binary file (eg Stata .dta files).
> I need to a binary data file consisting of 2 byte records, strip off the
> upper 6 bits (using a logical AND, leaving a ten bit word), and then write
> the ten bit number in text form for R.
You could program this in C and call it from R, bypassing the text
conversion. Perl might well work, but you would probably get more reliable
information from a perl list than from us.
Thomas Lumley
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
University of Washington, Seattle
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