[R] R and large RAM
Joerg Kindermann
Joerg.Kindermann at gmd.de
Fri Jul 7 16:07:25 CEST 2000
>>>>> " " == Dipl -Stat Detlef Steuer <steuer at statistik.uni-dortmund.de> writes:
> Hi! On 07-Jul-2000 Gerhard Paass wrote:
>> I am planing to buy several machines with 2 GB RAM. Is R able to
>> use this much memory?
> Yes! We are happily running R on two Enterprise Servers with 2GB
> Ram. R was behaving well if asked to comsume a lot of this RAM to
> work on large datasets.
This does not mean that R actually uses that much space. From exprimenting
with the nsize and vsize command line parameters we know that the current
(R-1.1.0) limits are somewhere at nsize=19.5M and vsize=990M. On a SUN
running Solaris2.7 this will require about 1400M of memory.
You can't request larger sizes of memory for R-internal reasons. Our
question is whether this is likely to be changed in the near future.
best regards
Joerg Kindermann
-- Dr. Joerg Kindermann Knowledge Discovery Team
GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology -
phone: +49 02241 142437 fax: +49 02241 142342
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