[R] nlme errors ?
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Wed Jul 5 15:34:23 CEST 2000
"Uli Flenker; Raum 704" <uli at biochem.dshs-koeln.de> writes:
> I think the problem is just that most of the plotting functions of nlme
> make heavy use of Trellis graphics (See paragraphs "Description", "Form"
> and so on in help(qqnorm.lme)). Trellis devices are not supported by R.
Yes, that is exactly the case.
To use the graphics from the original nlme library we would need to
have trellis-like functions available in R or to rewrite all the graphics
functions in nlme for R. At one time there was talk of implementing
trellis-like functions in R but there does not seem to be much
progress on that. It may be time to consider the "rewriting to use
existing R graphics facilities" approach. Right now we are working on
the implementation of the numerical methods. It is unlikely that
anything in the graphics area will be changed soon.
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