ulimits on Linux {Re: [R] size limits}

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Jan 24 09:29:27 CET 2000

{maybe somewhat technical; non R / Linux only}

>>>>> "PD" == Peter Dalgaard BSA <p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk> writes:

    PD> ..........
    PD> Linuxen are often run without user limits on process size so
    PD> if you eat too much memory, some random process will be killed and
    PD> with a bit of bad luck it will be something critical such as your X
    PD> server... 

Setting  ulimits on Linux seems to be only through  bash's builtin "ulimit"
or through the C API. 
Now, we are still "urged" to usually use the tcsh instead of the bash.

How would a linux sys.administrator limit the process size for all normal
user processes?   Sorry for my ignorance, but I assume that other R-help
readers are in the same boat...

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