[R] list to matrix

cstrato@EUnet.at cstrato at EUnet.at
Thu Feb 10 12:23:51 CET 2000

Dear R-users

This seems to be a trivial problem but at the moment I donĀ“t know how to
solve it.

I have a list with 7000 matrices, every matrix has 2 columns but
different row-sizes.
Now I want to combine all lists into one matrix with 2 columns. I would
have to write:

ma <- rbind(list[[1]],list[[2]], and so on) (this works fine for lists
with few matrices)

Since it is not possible to write:
          ma <- rbind(list[[1:7000]]) or
          ma <- rbind(list[[1]]:list[[7000]])
maybe someone could tell me how to do it?

Thank you in advance for your help for this stupid question.

Best regards
Christian Stratowa, Ph.D. Vienna

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