[R] Dll problem
Yves Gauvreau
cyg at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 27 15:41:15 CET 2000
Hi again,
I downloaded and installed the suggested software from
that is tools.zip, bin-msvcrt-2000-03-27.zip,
binutils-19990818-1-msvcrt.zip, and gcc-2.95.2-1-msvcrt.zip. Just to make
I setup the path to these.
As I did previously for R 1.1.1 I ran the following commands
g77 -c -mrtd -O2 -o stochastic.o stochastic.f
dllwrap -s --export-all --output-def stochastic.def --driver-name g77 -o
stochastic.dll stochastic.o
This is the R function I wrote to use the DLL which still works fine under R
1.1.1. and not under R 1.2.0
fast.stochastic <- function(cp=qc,lp=ql,hp=qh,nk=5,nd=3){
if(!is.loaded(symbol.For("dfsto"))) dyn.load("g:\\stochastic.dll")
hs <- ls <- pk <- pd <- rep(0.0, length(cp))
Tmat <- .Fortran("dfsto",
data.frame(PK=Tmat[[4]], PD=Tmat[[5]])
As you can see I haven't made a package I just try to use the dynamic
library directly. I tried using the DLL from Excel and other VBA aware
software and there is no problem.
How come it doesn't work with R 1.2.0 and/or what should I do to make it
I have no idea and there's nothing in "CHANGES" to give me a clue.
Nota: The file README.packages isn't part of the Windows binary distribution
but in the R source files.
Yves Gauvreau
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : owner-r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> [mailto:owner-r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch]De la part de Prof Brian Ripley
> Envoye : Wednesday, December 27, 2000 3:11 AM
> A : Yves Gauvreau
> Cc : r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Objet : Re: [R] Dll problem
> On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Yves Gauvreau wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Where should I look to find out the reason why my Fortran DLL's
> don't work
> > any more?
> The CHANGES file in Windows?
> rw1020
> ======
> This version has been compiled against msvcrt.dll not crtdll.dll.
> This gives small speed increases and generally more accurate results.
> Packages compiled against crtdll.dll will still work (as far as we are
> aware), but for best results should be re-compiled. (A few packages
> need to be re-compiled for 1.2.0 on all platforms, and any that used
> malloc directly need to be recompiled on this one.)
> Did you re-compile against msvcrt? We have compiled up a lot of Frotran
> code, both in R itself and in contributed packages, and seen only
> small changes. (Quite a few Fortran-based packages do use malloc directly
> and so do need to be re-compiled, but they will not load otherwise.)
> The recommended compilers have changed: see README.packages. As far
> as I know the old ones still work.
> > *** This is the current version ***
> > platform i386-pc-mingw32
> > arch x86
> > os Win32
> > system x86, Win32
> > status
> > major 1
> > minor 2.0
> > year 2000
> > month 12
> > day 15
> > language R
> >
> > *** This was the previous version ***
> > platform Windows
> > arch x86
> > os Win32
> > system x86, Win32
> > status
> > major 1
> > minor 1.1
> > year 2000
> > month August
> > day 15
> > language R
> >
> > The problem seem to be with the result I get back from the function call
> > which is not what it use to be. I search a bit for obvious change in
> > R-ext.pdf to no avail.
> That's not going to tell you about changes, let alone platform-specific
> ones.
> >
> > Thank in advance.
> >
> > Yves Gauvreau
> >
> >
> >
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
> -.-.-.-.-.-.-
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
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