[R] Legends on plots
Marc R. Feldesman
feldesmanm at pdx.edu
Fri Dec 22 03:53:49 CET 2000
At 02:49 PM 12/21/00 -0800, Marc Feldesman wrote:
>the coordinates of the upper left-hand corner. I prefer the latter
>solution, but obviously I have to know that there will be no data points
>obscured by this placement. What is the recommended programming solution
>to determine whether enough plot space exists to place the legend in this
I know the obvious answer is to LOOK at the plot to see if there is enough
space, but I'm talking about doing this systematically with as many as 25
or 30 different plots in succession. It would be a lot handier to let the
program do the work for me than to manually place legends on each graph.
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