[R] graphic interface on redhad 7.0 ?
Martyn Plummer
plummer at iarc.fr
Fri Dec 8 17:55:48 CET 2000
On 09-Nov-00 latouche wrote:
> I've just installed R on redhat 7.0
> i can use it in an Xterm window
> how can i have an graphic interface (the same as windows R interface) ?
> thanks
> A. Latouche
There is a graphical user interface for R under unix, which uses the
GNOME environment. However, it is unfinished, and development on it
seems to have stopped. For these reasons it is not included in the RPM
package for Red Hat.
If you compile R yourself, then you can enable the GNOME interface.
However, you then have another problem, which is that the compiler included
with Red Hat 7.0 (gcc-2.96) is buggy: there are two separate bugs which
prevent R from working correctly. My advice is to install version 2.95
of gcc which will compile R correctly. However, if you are asking for a GUI
for R then you are probably not going to want to install your own compiler.
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