[R] off-topic help request
Ross Ihaka
ihaka at stat.auckland.ac.nz
Wed Apr 12 00:06:24 CEST 2000
[Sorry to clutter the list]
I wonder if some kind soul with a decent library and scanner could do a
major favour for me.
I am looking for the design specs for the Ames room (that room with weird
dimensions which you look into through a pinhole). I am led to believe by
That there is a blueprint for this room in the second edition of Zusne
and Jones' book, "Anomalistic Psychology". Regretably, our library
only has the first edition.
I would be much obliged it someone could scan this for me and let me
have the image. I want to build a virtual model of this room so that
kiddies in my visualization course can play with it. Thanks.
| Ross Ihaka Email: ihaka at stat.auckland.ac.nz |
| Department of Statistics Phone: (64-9) 373-7599 x 5054 |
| University of Auckland Fax: (64-9) 373-7018 |
| Private Bag 92019 |
| Auckland, New Zealand |
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