[R] problems with postscript device
Chong Gu
chong at stat.purdue.edu
Wed Nov 24 06:18:55 CET 1999
From: "Wolfgang Koller" <koller2 at fgr.wu-wien.ac.at>
Organization: University of Economics, Vienna
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 16:29:22 CET (+0100)
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> From: "Alvaro A. Novo" <novo at uiuc.edu>
Alvaro A. Novo wrote:
> I would suggest that you use instead:
> plot(1:10,1:10,pch=1:5, cex=0.4)
> ^^^^^^^
> cex = 1 being the default.
You have to look at the postscript file, that is generated by the
commands I gave in my mail!
The problem is that, even when using cex=0.4, the symbols have a
different size! Also, symbol number 1 (the circle) is *not* effected
by the cex-option (maybe because it is too small to be made any
This all concerns only the postscript device.
The only solution I see is not to use the circle-symbol for the
postscript device
Wolfgang Koller
Wolfgang Koller, koller2 at fgr.wu-wien.ac.at
Forschungsinstitut fuer Europafragen
Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
Althanstrasse 39-45, 1090 Wien, Austria
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I have encountered the same problem and reported about 5 months ago.
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