[R] plrc()

ros mathieu rosm at ufrima.imag.fr
Tue Nov 9 11:34:19 CET 1999

I'm actually 'translating' the S-PLUS package multidim to R and I wonder
what is the equivalent to the plrc() function under R.
I need it to plot the correlation circle (rough translation from french,
hope this means something...) for the plot.acp() function but can't find
out any help on it .
any help would be appreciated.

(thanks to T. Lumley for the data() help...)

Mathieu Ros - 13 rue beviere - 38000 GRENOBLE - 04 76 491 370
DESS ingenierie mathematique (biostatistiques)
Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
La prevision est difficile, surtout quand elle concerne l'avenir
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