[R] Wavethresh + accessC > Error: wd.structure has no class

K.E.Vorloou K.E.Vorloou at durham.ac.uk
Thu May 20 16:50:00 CEST 1999


Whenever I issue this commands (as in the help for the threshold

        # Do a 1D decomposition
        tdecomp <- wd(test.data)
        # Threshold it
        tdecomp.thresh <- threshold(tdecomp)
        # Reconstruct from the thresholded coefficients
        trecons <- wr(tdecomp.thresh)
        # Plot the reconstructed function

I receive the following reply:

Error: wd.structure has no class

Does anybody know what the problem is ?



Konstantinos E. Vorloou           | Tel: +44 (0)191 374 1821
Department of Economics & Finance | Fax: +44 (0)191 374 7289
University of Durham,             | email: K.E.Vorloou at durham.ac.uk
23/26 Old Elvet,                  | or : vorlow at rocketmail.com
Durham DH1 3HY,                   | or : Vorlow at bigfoot.com
UK.                               | Express: 20595534 at pager.mirabilis.com
                                  | ICQ number: 20595534
http://www.durham.ac.uk/Economics | http://www.durham.ac.uk/~dec3kev

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