[R] mathematical expressions in main

Peter Baker p.baker at qut.edu.au
Wed May 5 17:08:34 CEST 1999


I've tried and tried and I presume it is very simple but .....

I want some varying titles for plots using greek symbols
eg using an expression like

for (true in c(0:5))
   plot(...,main = expression(paste(phi," = ",true,sigma)),...)

where phi and sigma are greek symbols.  Instead of \phi=2\sigma I get
\phi=true\sigma as true is taken as a text string - not a variable.

Any help much appreciated

Peter Baker

|| Peter Baker  email: p.baker at fsc.qut.edu.au    ph: 07 3864 1293  (W)  ||
||              Mail:  School of Mathematics, Queensland University     ||
||                     of Technology,  GPO Box 2434, Brisbane  QLD 4001 ||

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